Endorsements for Our Health Record
Designed for an individual with a chronic medical problem or limitation. The confidence another individual will be able to know how to care for them especially if there is a change in the primary caregiver.
The Personal Medical Journal allows you to keep your health history and health record with you whenever you visit a doctor or medical professional. This invaluable book can enhance your care by providing timely, accurate information, allowing the doctors to more quickly treat your problems while avoiding conflicts of medication, allergies, and other complications.
Endorsed by Sharlene Lund
"Ms. Cordle Hits the Mark
This Journal manages to cover all of the subjects you may need to refer to when you are traveling. It is very detailed and may seem a bit over whelming to record all of the information at first so I would recommend starting with your most current information and work back. It is amazing how many memories come back when you flip through the journal as well as information that you need to acquire. Each member of the family should have their own and it should be the first item packed for a trip. If you carry any kind of an organizer this journal should be kept with it. In case of an emergency the information that is kept in the journal could save a lot of time."
S.Q. Lund, CA
Endorsed by Lawrence J. Sarkis, D.D.S.
"It's imperative for the Dentist as well as the Physician to know his/her patient's medical condition as exact and complete as possible. With the help of such concise information medical disasters can be averted and proper treatment be rendered".
Lawrence J. Sarkis, D.D.S., Ripon, CA